Learjet 35A
The Learjet 35A has multiple roles in our everyday world. One of the first roles it plays is that it carries various military members from place to place. A second role that it plays is that many businesses own these for their own company needs. Along with the United States military many other countries also use this type of airplane for their higher ranking officials.
The Learjet 35A has been built to carry six to eight passengers and their luggage. This jet also provides luxury seating inside the jet to make it very relaxing for longer trips that are taken.
With this jet also another luxury is that the fuselage and jet engines are located towards the back of the airplane allowing for passengers to have a smooth and quite ride without all the engine noise that can be found with smaller prop jets.
This jet has specifics on speed such as when flying it at lower altitudes pilots should maintain a slower speed, whereas when the jet reaches altitudes of 40,000ft the speed could reach up to 460kts. Along with that this jet is capable of flying distances in excess of 1,800nm per fuel load. This jet has the capability of also landing at smaller airports however performs better on take offs and landings if the airport is surfaced.